
  • Iqbal Ma'arif Management Programs
  • Rizal Ruben Manullang Lecturer in the Management Study Program at STIE-IBEK
  • Nelly Astuti Astuti Lecturer in the Management Study Program at STIE-IBEK

Kata Kunci:

Business Management, Entrepreneurship, Small Medium Enterprise


This is an undergraduate thesis was written and compiled by Iqbal Ma’arif (650170035), titled in Bahasa Indonesia; "ANALISIS STUDI KELAYAKAN BISNIS BETERNAK AYAM POTONGSTUDI KASUS IMPLEMENTASI KANDANG BOX”. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the business of laying hens with ‘box cage’ is profitable or not, based on empirical analysis and business feasibility study approach. The theory used in this study is management theory, including a description of aspects of marketing, leadership and innovation, operational management and some related human resource development that is believed to be needed as a supporting subject to reach objectives of the research. Researchers also examined Business Feasibility Studies as a main element to disclosure of facts, including Entrepreneurship and SMEs. Data Collection Techniques are carried out by Direct Observation, Analytical Data Collection Techniques, Interview and Data Analysis Methods. The result of research shows that: (1) Analysis of the calculation of business Break-Even Points on minimum-basis of selling poultry is 22 chickens per box, (2) The Naïve Analysis method shows by a year in doing business would be generates a net profit Rp.1,284,000 per a box of cages, (3) based on the calculation of Net Present Value, a farmer using his own capital, will be able to have return within period of three years, with a total positive net present value of  Rp. 13,415,231.58. These results explain if the business is declared feasible to run and has an implication for the development of small and medium businesses in the future.



Cara Mengutip

Iqbal Ma’arif, Manullang, R. R. ., & Astuti , N. A. . (2020). ANALISIS STUDI KELAYAKAN BISNIS BETERNAK AYAM POTONG ‘STUDI KASUS IMPLEMENTASI KANDANG BOX’. Jurnal Progresif Manajemen Bisnis, 7(1), 1–7. Diambil dari

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