
  • Musliya Mahasiswa Prodi Manajemen STIE-IBEK Pangkalpinang
  • Medinal Dosen Prodi Akuntansi STIE-IBEK Pangkalpinang
  • Fery Panjaitan Dosen Prodi Akuntansi STIE-IBEK Pangkalpinang

Kata Kunci:

Products, Prices, Promotions, Distribution Channels, Processes, Participants, Physical Support Facilities, Sales


     This thesis was written and compiled by Musliya with the student identification number 640150057, entitled in Indonesian: "Analysis of the Marketing Mix(7P) Strategy for Honda Beat Motorcycle Sales at PT. Asia Surya Perkasa (ASP) Pangkalpinang ". It is conducted based on data which was collected from March 2019 to June 2019. The location of the research object is Jalan A. Yani No.147 Pangkalpinang. The research objective was to examine the effect of Products, Prices, Promotions, Distribution Channels, Processes, Participants, and Physical Supporting Facilities on Honda Beat Motorcycle Sales at PT. Asia Surya Perkasa (ASP) Pangkalpinang.

     The theories used in this study are Management theory, Marketing theory, Strategy Management theory, Marketing Mix theory and Sales theory. The research method used purposive sampling method. Research respondents are consumers who come to PT. Asia Surya Perkasa (ASP) Pangkalpinang totaling 100 people. The variables used are Products, Prices, Promotions, Distribution Channels, Processes, Participants, and Physical Supporting Facilities are independent variables and Honda Beat Motorcycle Sales at PT. Asia Surya Perkasa (ASP) Pangkalpinang as a self-developed dependent variable according to its indicators. This study uses descriptive analysis with a quantitative approach to primary research data directly in the field. As a tool for processing statistical data, the JASP Versi University of Amsterdam program is used.

     Based on the results of the study prove that: (1) There is a significant effect of product variables on Honda Beat Motorcycle Sales at PT. Asia Surya Perkasa (ASP) Pangkalpinang. This is proven by the value of t count (-2,184)> t table (1,98447). (2) There is a significant effect of the price variable on Honda Beat Motorcycle Sales at PT. Asia Surya Perkasa (ASP) Pangkalpinang. This is proved by the value of tcount (3,490)> t table (1,98447). (3) There is a significant effect of Promotion variables on Honda Beat Motorcycle Sales at PT. Asia Surya Perkasa (ASP) Pangkalpinang. This is proven by the value of tcount (8.156)> t table (1.98447). (4) There is a significant influence on the Distribution Channel variable on Honda Beat Motorcycle Sales at PT. Asia Surya Perkasa (ASP) Pangkalpinang. This is proved by the value of tcount (-2,715)> t table (1,98447). (5) There is a significant effect of the Process variable on Honda Beat Motorcycle Sales at PT. Asia Surya Perkasa (ASP) Pangkalpinang. This is proven by the value of tcount (4,199)> t table (1,98447). (6) There is a significant influence of Participant variables on Honda Beat Motorcycle Sales at PT. Asia Surya Perkasa (ASP) Pangkalpinang. This is proved by the value of tcount (-4,793)> t table (1,98447). (7) There is a significant influence on the variables of Physical Support Facilities on Honda Beat Motorcycle Sales at PT. Asia Surya Perkasa (ASP) Pangkalpinang. This is proven by the value of tcount (2.999)> t table (1.98447). (8) There is a significant influence on the variables of Product, Price, Promotion, Distribution Channel, Process, Participants and Physical Support Facilities together on Honda Beat Motorcycle Sales at PT. Asia Surya Perkasa (ASP) Pangkalpinang. This is proved by the value of Fcount (64,652)> Ftable (2,11).

Biografi Penulis

Medinal, Dosen Prodi Akuntansi STIE-IBEK Pangkalpinang

Dosen Pembimbing I

Fery Panjaitan, Dosen Prodi Akuntansi STIE-IBEK Pangkalpinang

Dosen Pembimbing II




Cara Mengutip

Musliya, Medinal, & Panjaitan, F. (2019). ANALISIS STRATEGI BAURAN PEMASARAN (7P) TERHADAP PENJUALAN SEPEDA MOTOR HONDA BEAT PADA PT. ASIA SURYA PERKASA (ASP) PANGKALPINANG. Jurnal Progresif Manajemen Bisnis, 6(2), 105–116. Diambil dari

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