
  • Vergian Lorensia Mahasiswa STIE-IBEK Pangkalpinang
  • Rizal Ruben Manullang Dosen Prodi Manajemen STIE IBEK Pangkalpinang
  • Ryan Hasianda Tigor Dosen Prodi Manajemen STIE IBEK Pangkalpinang

Kata Kunci:

Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix Analysis, Marketing Strategy, Business Development


This study aims to determine the best alternative marketing strategy solutions to increase sales volume and competitiveness based on internal and external factors that affect the company.  The results obtained on the IFE matrix were 3.85, while those on the EFE matrix were 3.3. The second stage is the matching stage using the BCG matrix. The results of calculating the BCG matrix in determining the company's location in the BCG matrix quadrant can be seen that the six Street Food Vendors occupy the same quadrant, namely in the Stars quadrant position, which means having a high market share and market growth Therefore, an appropriate strategy to consider in this quadrant is market penetration, market development, product development, or seeking greater ownership or control over competitors, which can be done through acquisitions and takeovers of competing companies. This can be done by lowering prices or discounts, developing new products, increasing product quality and expanding the market. However, there are two Pentol vendors who have great potential to shift towards the Cash Cow quadrant, namely Pentol Judes Vendors with a Market Share of 0.97% and Market Growth of 97%. . Thus, Rawit 11 vendors Market Share of 1.03% with Market Growth of 97% are identical with Pentol Judes vendors who have the same opportunity to shift to the Cash Cow quadrant where in the Cash Cow quadrant they try to maintain productivity and quality or can be used as positive income for entrepreneurs and the return on investment is relatively excellent.

Biografi Penulis

Rizal Ruben Manullang, Dosen Prodi Manajemen STIE IBEK Pangkalpinang

Dosen Pembimbing I

Ryan Hasianda Tigor, Dosen Prodi Manajemen STIE IBEK Pangkalpinang

Dosen Pembimbing II


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Cara Mengutip

Lorensia, V., Manullang, R. R., & Tigor, R. H. (2023). ANALISIS STRETEGI PEMASARAN DENGAN MODEL BCG MATRIK GUNA PENGAMBANGAN BISNIS (STUDI KASUS PENTOL DI KOTA PANGKALPINANG). Jurnal Progresif Manajemen Bisnis, 10(2), 227–235. Diambil dari

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