Kata Kunci:
Education, Unemployment, Direct Cash AssistanceAbstrak
The purpose of the study is “Analisis Pengaruh Pendidikan, Pengangguran, dan Bantuan Langsung Tunai terhadap Kemiskinan di Kelurahan Tuatunu Indah Kota Pangkalpinang”. The research method is used method sampling area. The research respondents were community in Urban Village TuatunuIndah city Pangkalpinang 85 people.
Variables used is education, Unemployment, and Cash Direct Assistance as an independent variable and Poverty as the dependent variable. This study uses quantitative analysis towards primary data results of research in the field. As a tool in processing data used the JASP program.
The results of the study show that: one. no influence significant Education variable against Poverty in Tuatunu Indah Urban Village city Pangkalpinang Bangka Belitung Islands Province. From the calculation results obtained by tcount of 1.406 while t table with degrees free 83 at a (0.05) of 1.98896. therefore tcount (1.406) < ttabel (1.98896), so clearly Ho is accepted and H1 is rejected or if you see the sign value of 0.164 Thus the decision obviously Ho was accepted and H1 rejected. Two.there is influence significant variable Unemployment against poverty in Tuatunu Indah Urban Village city Pangkalpinang Bangka Belitung Islands Province From the calculation results, obtained tcount value of 6.333 while the table with free degrees 83 a at (0.05) of 1.98896. Thus tcount (6.333) > ttabel (1.98896),so clearly Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted or from the results of calculations and data processing obtained a sign value of 0.01. Thus the decision obviously Ho was rejected and H1 is accepted. Three.significant variable of Direct Cash Assistance against Poverty in Tuatunu Indah Urban Village city Pangkalpinang Bangka Belitung Islands Province. From the calculation results From the results of calculations,obtained by the value of tcount amounting to 3,634 while table with free degrees 83 on a (0.05) as big as 1.98896. Thus count (3.634) > ttabel (1.98896),so clearly Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted or from the results of calculations and data processing is obtained sign value equal to 0,01 Thus the decision obviously Ho was rejected and H1 is accepted. Four.there is influence significant Education variable Unemployment, , and Direct Cash Assistance jointly towards poverty in Tuatunu Indah Urban City Pangkalpinang Bangka Belitung Islands Province. This is proven by value F count is 65.36 , while the value of Ftable 2.71 thus Fcount (65.36)> Ftable (2,71) so the decision obviously Ho was rejected obviously Ho was rejected and H1 is accepted.
Based on the results research, the researcher concluded Poverty in Tuatunu Indah Urban Village city Pangkalpinang not influenced by Education Variables , but influenced by the Unemployment Variable, Cash Direct Assistance.
Cara Mengutip
Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Teguh Putra, Arka'a Ahmad Agin, Medinal

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