Kata Kunci:
Pelatihan, Pengalaman Kerja, Kinerja KaryawanAbstrak
The purpose of this study was to determine and examine the effect of training and working experience on employee performance at PT. Bangka Serumpun (BSR). The method of research is a descriptive quantitative study with a sample size of 80 respondents. This study has two independent variables; Training and Working Experience. The dependent variable was labeled as an Employee Performance. Testing instruments using validity and reliability tests. The data analysis method used in this study is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis using the F-test along with Simple Linear Regression with T-test. Also the researcher use an analysis of the Coefficient of Determination (R2) in order to provide empirically the ability to explaining the dependent by two independence variables simultaneously. The results of the research on the independent variable Training (X1) obtained t-count 2.317 < t-table 1.991 and the Working Experience variable (X2) with t-count 7.887 > t-table 1.991. Therefore, an Training has partial effects towards Employee Performance. Also, the study stated if Working Experience has a partial effect towards Employee Performance. The results of the F-test show that F-count 83.558 > F-table 3.12. This means that the independent variables (Training and Working Experience) simultaneously has an affect towards the dependent variable (employee performance). The test results of the Coefficient of Determination (R2) show Adjusted R-Square 0.685 or in other word, that employee performance variables can be explained by Training and Working Experience variables by 68.5%. While the remaining 0.315 or 31.5% can be explained by other variables outside the research variables.
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