Kata Kunci:
Pelatihan Kerja, Kepuasan Kompensasi, Kinerja PegawaiAbstrak
Companies in Indonesia continue to experience very tight competition, so companies must increase their human resources (HR) employees to face this competition. To develop skills and abilities at work, employees are given the opportunity to take part in job training activities to support the company's goal of creating safe working conditions (Zero Accident) and there is no compensation policy other than salary that motivates employees to improve their performance. Therefore, research is needed to determine the effect of job training and BangkaMineral Mining, namely that there has been no significant increase in employee performance during the 2019 working year, this is due to a lack of employee job training and the policy of providing compensation to employees, during that year compensation for the performance of CV Bangka Mineral Mining. The sample used in this research was 32 employees of CV Bangka Mineral Mining. This research uses questionnaire data collection techniques using a Likert scale with validity and reliability tests of the instrument. The analysis technique used consists of descriptive analysis, normality test, linearity test, and hypothesis test. The research results show that job training has a positive effect on employee performance, while the compensation satisfaction variable has no effect on employee performance. Job Training and Compensation can simultaneously influence 42.6% of changes in employee performance at CV Bangka Mineral Mining. This shows that there are still 57.4% other factors or variables that influence the performance of CV Bangka Mineral Mining employees.
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Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Aulia Rahman, Arka’a Ahmad Agin, Hendarti Tri Setyo Mulyani

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