
  • Novitasari Lonita Mahasiswa STIE-IBEK Pangkalpinang
  • Fery Panjaitan Dosen Prodi Manajemen STIE-IBEK Pangkalpinang
  • Hendarti Tri Setyo Mulyani Dosen Prodi Akuntansi STIE-IBEK Pangkalpinang


Brand Image, product innovation, management advertising, purchase decision


This study aims to determine how much influence the image has brand, product innovation and advertising on AQUA purchasing decisions on STIE-IBEK Pangkalpinang students partially and the influence of brand image, product innovation and advertising on AQUA purchasing decisions on STIE-IBEK Pangkalpinang students simultaneously.

This research method uses a quantitative descriptive approach. The population in this study were STIE-IBEK Pangkalpinang students, where the sample was 70 respondents who were determined using the purposive sampling technique. The data collection technique was carried out by means of a questionnaire. Data is processed using JASP (Jeffrey's Amazing Statistics Program).

The results showed that (1) brand image has a partial positive effect on purchasing decisions with a significance value of 0.001 > 0.05 and a tcount of 11.633 > a ttable value of 1.99547. (2) Product innovation has a partial positive effect on purchasing decisions with a significance value of 0.001 > 0.05 and a tcount of 5.788 > of a ttable value of 1.99547. (3) Advertising has a partial negative effect on purchasing decisions with a significance value of 0.001 > 0.05 and a tcount of -4.502 < a ttable value of 1.99547. (4) Brand Image, Product Innovation and Advertising simultaneously have a positive effect on Purchasing Decisions with a significance value of 0.001 < 0.05 and an fcount value of 315,137 > rather than a ftable value of 2.74.

Author Biographies

Fery Panjaitan, Dosen Prodi Manajemen STIE-IBEK Pangkalpinang

Dosen Pembimbing I

Hendarti Tri Setyo Mulyani, Dosen Prodi Akuntansi STIE-IBEK Pangkalpinang

Dosen Pembimbing II


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How to Cite

Lonita, N., Panjaitan, F., & Mulyani, H. T. S. (2023). ANALISIS PENGARUH CITRA MEREK, INOVASI PRODUK DAN PERIKLANAN TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN AQUA (STUDI KASUS PADA MAHASISWA/I STIE-IBEK PANGKALPINANG). Journal of Progressive Management Business, 10(2), 124–131. Retrieved from

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