Kata Kunci:
Harga, Kualitas Pelayanan, LokasiAbstrak
First, the effect of the price variable (X1) on consumer satisfaction (Y) is the t test results, the price variable obtains the t count 0.994 <t table 1.98698 with a significant value of 0.323> 0.05. This is due to the answers from respondents stating that the price does not meet the criteria for Customer Satisfaction at the Hotel Bangk City Pangkalpinang. Second, the effect of the variable service quality (X2) on customer satisfaction (Y) is the t test results, the service quality variable gets the tcount of 3.373> t table 1.98698 with a significant value of 0.001 <0.05. This is due to the answers from respondents stating that the quality of service meets the criteria for customer satisfaction at the Hotel Bangkacity Pangkalpinang. The third effect of the location variable (X3) on customer satisfaction (Y) is the t test results, the location variable gets the results 0.462 <t table 1.98698 with a significant value of 0.6454> 0.05. This is due to the answers from respondents stating that the location does not meet the criteria of consumer satisfaction in Bangka city Hotel Pangkalpinang. The fourth effect of the variable price, service quality and location on customer satisfaction (Y) is the f-test, price, service quality and location variables. The F test result is a comparison of Fcount 5.312> Ftable 2.31, it can be concluded that there is an influence of the variable X on variable Y.
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